Why should YOU contribute

Why should YOU contribute?

If you are a member of this Jewish community, your contribution is a vital investment in its future.

  • If you have school-age children, you should contribute because this is the first step in a broader movement to change the way day schools are funded in the future and an immediate step to make day schools more affordable and accessible.

  • If you are a graduate of one of our excellent day schools, you should contribute to make sure others enjoy the educational opportunities that were available to you.

  • If you are the parents of graduates and have seen your children through our local day schools, you have many reasons to contribute. You should take a good look at how your children have developed and donate out of appreciation. You should contribute because you want our outstanding day schools to be thriving for your grandchildren or future grandchildren. You should contribute because you comprehend firsthand the value of quality Jewish education.

  • If you have no affiliation with a local day school but are part of this community, you should contribute because you recognize that a community is the sum of all its parts and that the success of the greater Jewish community, including Israel, rests with making certain that all members of our community thrive.


Website by New Day Interactive, LLC